1. Regularly attend all classes in time
2.Copy what ever teacher write on the board
3.Listen carefully and try to understand the concept

4.Use pencil to draw circuits and graphs
5.Study only standard books and underline important concepts and equations
6.Solve atleast last 10 years of question papers of GATE/IES/IETE etc
7.Write all the exams conducted by institute after serious preparation
8.Use long book (white papers) of 200 pages and write any two subjects in each subject and bring all the books every day
9.Clarify the doubts after or during the class
10.Unless you solve the problems, you can’t understand the subject
11.Don’t join any batch in the middle
12.Discuss the subject among the friends
13.Daily you have to prepare atleast 4 hours
14.Class notes are better than any material
15.Selection of the institute, duration ( long term, short term, week end etc), distance from the home also important
16.Site in the class, where you are able to see the board clearly and it is also audible and visible
17.Tell the difficulties to concerned faculty without any delay
18.Short term coaching and long term preparation is good for above average students
19.Long term coaching and short term preparation is good for below average students
a.I listen I forgot
b.I see I remember
c.I do I learn
Wish u all the Best
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